Bartek GÅ‚owacki

Frontend developer

developer activity image

My name is Bartek and I'm an aspiring Frontend developer and a hobby drone pilot.

You might be interested in checking the list of my skills. Don't forget to have a glimpse at my projects. I'm looking for a new challenges so if you have one - contact me 😊


I've picked up some cool skills along the way,
and I'm excited to share them with you. Check out what I can do below!

Working knowledge

  • — Semantic HTML5
  • — Flexbox
  • — Markdown
  • — JS: Local storage
  • — Figma
  • — CSS grid
  • — Forms
  • — JS: DOM manipulations
  • — SASS

Know something about

  • — JavaScript ES6 + features
  • — CSS animations
  • — Working with API
  • — NPM Scripts
  • — PWA
  • — Git
  • — Accessibility

Want to learn

  • — React
  • — Node
  • — Electron
  • — SSR
  • — TypeScript
  • — Gatsby
  • — WebSockets

Recent Projects

Since diving into frontend development in 2023, I've brought a range of projects to life. Here's a snapshot of my accomplishments so far.

After Hours

Outside of working hours, I immerse myself in a variety of activities and hobbies that bring joy and balance to my life, allowing me to explore different passions and interests.

Baking Adventures

Sometimes I like to face the challenges of preparing sweet baked goods, enjoying the satisfaction of experimenting and creating.

Drone FPV

I find immense joy racing my FPV drone through challenging trails, pushing the limits with adrenaline-pumping speed, and expressing my creativity in freestyle mode.

Video Games

Lost in virtual realms, I find joy and challenge in the dynamic world of video games, while also deriving satisfaction from crafting my own games and bringing imaginative ideas to life.

Digital Art & Design

I enjoy drawing digital art and creating designs, from logos and visual identities to app and website layouts. Transforming ideas into ral elements is something I find rewarding.

Let's work together

I'm open for new opportunities.
If you have one for me we should talk!

or find me on

  • My github